HomeScript FontsSantri Cool Font

Santri Cool Font

Santri Cool is a captivating handwritten signature font characterized by a cool calligraphy style, making it an excellent choice for creating distinctive designs such as handwritten-style logos, wedding stationery, photographer watermark logos, modern websites, and more.

The unique features of Santri Cool include handwritten bindings, as well as distinctive start and end strokes for lowercase letters. These elements contribute to the font’s authentic and personalized appearance, adding a touch of individuality to your projects.

One notable advantage of Santri Cool is its PUA encoding, allowing easy access to a wide array of amazing glyphs and ligatures. This encoding enhances the font’s flexibility, enabling you to explore and incorporate various design elements effortlessly.

Whether you’re working on a logo design that requires a signature touch or crafting elegant wedding stationery, Santri Cool offers a versatile and stylish solution. Its calligraphy style brings a sense of sophistication, making it suitable for a range of design applications.

In conclusion, Santri Cool is not just a font; it’s a creative tool crafted to bring a cool calligraphy style to your designs. Whether used for formal branding or more expressive projects, this handwritten signature font ensures that your creations stand out with a touch of individuality and modern flair.

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